My first savings bank |
I've been thinking recently about the
way we spend our money, and how and why we have developed the style we have. This is a huge topic involving at least a hundred
years and multiple generations. However, I'm going to try to summarize it in this blog post.
Ward and I both came from parents who
had difficult lives growing up. Tragic circumstances as well as
effects from the Great Depression often left them wondering where their
next meal was coming from and where they would sleep that
night. However, through the foresight of their parents, they learned
that education and hard work were the way out. How did this translate
into how they raised their kids? I'll give you a glimpse through my
The result of my mother not always
knowing where her next meal was coming from was to make sure that
food was never an issue. When I was growing up, we always had plenty
to eat. We grew most of our food and got our meat from hunting, but
there was never any concern about whether there was enough money for
baking a cake or making a pizza. My mother had ideas about good
nutrition that sometimes limited what we ate, but we were never
deprived in any way.
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My mother, the 1st one in her family to graduate high school. |
Also, self sufficiency and education
were top values. Early on, I heard that you should always be able to
take care of yourself. You might get married someday, but you should
have enough education for a job that can support your family. You
never know what might happen. My mother was the fortunate one in her
family to get an education and she saw how much better she fared than
her siblings. Thus while we worked very hard at home, an extra job
outside was not a priority until after our studies were done. And my
parents made sure that each of their four kids had a college
education. My father worked overtime and my mother worked two jobs
to make sure this happened. Because like having enough food,
education was a priority.
How did this translate into the way
that Ward and I managed our lives? Because we had a good education,
we had a decent jobs. However, we followed in our parents footsteps
and we were careful with the way we spent our money. We never bought
a house that we couldn't afford on one salary. Before I quit my job
to be home with the kids, we put all of our new spending habits into
practice to make sure that it was what we wanted to do. I knew the
savings of our groceries down to the penny. I volunteered in a thrift
shop and most of our clothes and toys came from there. We knew every
free activity in the area. Ward and I enjoyed game nights and meals
with our friends. Our every day frugal habits allowed us to
contribute to college and retirement funds and take trips back to see
the relatives. It also allowed us to eat out occasionally or go to a
special museum or to buy furniture for our house.
Then we made another move to be closer
to our relatives which is where we live now. We moved into an area
that had a much higher cost of living. Our new house was ½ the size
for twice the money from what we left. Groceries cost more, gas cost
more, clothing cost more. We were uncomfortable in the beginning, but it was worth it to be closer to relatives. However, we
soon adjusted to our new finances. We were still able to grow the
college and retirement funds and pay off our house early.
Now we're sitting in a pretty good
spot. We have enough money coming in and good benefits to go with
that. (However in this expensive area, we're below the median
income). Our kids are almost educated (one down, and one almost down)
with no student debt. We are in our fifties and thinking seriously
about early retirement. We don't have enough money that we can
abandon our frugal ways, but we do have enough money to not fret.
Life is good. We know that we have been lucky with only minor set
backs along the way (especially compared to our grandparents), but Ward
often reminds me that we have also been smart with the way we've
lived. And that slow and steady wins the race.
All of grandparents are gone now, but I
think they were happy that the cycle of poverty was broken, and
I know our parents are happy that we learned from their lessons.