It's been a while since I checked in here, so it is time for an update.
The days have been busy and the nights have been long. I'm still struggling with my
trigeminal neuralgia and balancing the pain relief from the meds and the side effects from them. I have not reached a good balance yet. I am with moving forward and carefully considering other options which involve doctors' visits and tests. Depending on the day, my thoughts go from do nothing to extreme intervention and everything in between. The very good news is this is not a threat to my overall health. The bad news is this is not a threat to my overall health and so there are no clear decisions to be made.
But otherwise, it's just been this and that around here. Nothing major. Below are a few of the things I've been up to.
I continue to work in the yard. We have very rocky soil and I've started a rock pile from the rocks I find while working. Maybe it's the geologist in me, but I get a certain satisfaction from my rock pile. |
I'm not sure who set them all off, but we saw five different sets of fireworks from our back deck around the Fourth of July. The best ones came, however, from our backyard neighbor. They were slow, but that gave Ward and I time to chat between bursts. |
I marched with the library in our annual town parade. This year I carried a selfie poster promoting the summer reading theme, A Universe of Stories. |
Our elderly cats are slowly failing, but presently they are still champs at howling for laps to sit in and food to eat. I seem to spend a lot of time with a cat in my lap. |
Uncle Billy's blueberries are ripening and I spent a morning picking them. I am guessing there will be more for me to pick in the future. |
Ward spent 10 days on the west coast backpacking on the Pacific Crest Trail with a little sightseeing thrown in. This is outside the visitor's center at Mt. Saint Helens. |
Ward and I spent a pleasant morning finding a couple more quilts on the barn quilt tour we have been doing. (Carolina Lily pattern show here.) |
Last week, we had extreme heat like most of the country that ended with severe weather. As a cold front came through, we were in the basement during an imminent tornado warning and lost electricity for a while. However, we didn't have much damage--just a few small branches down and lots of pears. This is the first year that we have more than a few pears from either tree. All of these should have stayed on the tree longer, but I'm going to see what I can do about getting at least some of them to ripen. |