We continue to have beautiful fall weather with cool nights, warm days, and occasional rain. A few of the flowers are still blooming, however I have noticed the insect activity has decreased around them. Before there might have been dozens of bees, butterflies, and ants on the sedum, but now there are only a few bees and an occasional butterfly at any one time.
Once again, in this time between the summer and fall, I am not finding as many photo-worthy things to share with you. However, my
Second Look walk was productive from another point of view. There were quite a few branches blown down during the last rain storm and I picked up most of them. It was a good workout which can be as mood lifting as taking time to smell the roses (or do a second look.)
Here's What I Saw This Week.
The blossoms on this hydrangea bush are turning darker red. |
I went out yesterday to cut down the dried up and mostly dead coneflowers, but couldn't when I saw this butterfly on one of the last blooms. |
I found a balloon flower just opening up which is rare for me. Usually, I see only the bud or the fully opened flower. |
Milkweed bugs on milkweed seed pod. I saw the eggs for these earlier in the season. |
Single French Marigold |
The grass I planted is finally starting to come up. |
Most of my time this week was spent picking up sticks. |