Here are a few new things (and a few old things) that are blooming this week in the yard. There is more green than anything else at this point, but it is all the bright. lush growth of the spring.
Vinca |
In the same bed with the vinca is the hellebore that's been blooming for about 6 weeks now. If you look closely, you can see seed pods forming. Per Bless's suggestion, I'm going to collect them and try to grow more. |
Coral bells. Even though these are pink, I sing the song White Coral Bells* every time I pass them. "White coral bells upon a slender stalk..." |
Then I go around the corner and complete the next line, "Lilies of the Valley deck my garden walk." |
Every year, I think I'm going to take these azaleas out. They are much too close to the house, and they are misshapen and scraggly because of all of the dead branches we've had to cut out. But every spring, they have magnificent blooms like this, and they live to see another day. |
Amsonia |
Iris. We have two more colors of iris that haven't bloomed yet. |
Dianthus. We started with 6 of these in this bed, but this is the only one left three years later. |
The fig tree is starting to sprout leaves. Figs don't tolerate cold weather well, so we never know if it survived the winter until May. |
The first rhodendron has bloomed. This plant took a turn for the worse last year and never recovered despite various things we did. But as long as it's hanging on, we will keep it. |
Just hatched chickadees. |
Until next time...
* I learned the song slightly different than this, but it's essentially the same.