What's the letter for today? What can I write? My mind starts running through different words beginning with that letter. I even use a speller/divider book that was my mother's to read lists of words that begin with the letter. I write down a few words that might have some possibilities. However, my mind is usually blank as I stare at the list of words, so if anyone is around, I offer to let them be a guest blogger for the day. I've never gotten anyone to take me up on that offer, but they do offer suggestions for a relevant blog post. I get some interesting ideas from that, but most of them would take more time to develop than I have.
Along about this point, I realize how tired I am and want nothing more than to go do something else. And I usually do. I'd like to say that I then go and accomplish some of the other more important every day things that need to be done, but sometimes I just go watch TV and pet the cats.
I finally decide on something to write about and start doing research. I search the internet for information like for idioms that begin with I. I search my blog for posts that may have related to the topic in the past and think about how much of the old material I should repeat. I, also, think about a personal experience to add to the topic where I have to find the balance of being meaningful, but not revealing too much information about myself or my family for privacy reasons.
And then I finally start writing. Sometimes it flows, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes, I will write the post in one sitting and but usually I don't. If I don't, it's commonly because I don't have the mental energy to write a cohesive post. That's when I walk away again.
Eventually, I start writing and complete my text. Then it's time to find some pictures. Occasionally, I can take one right then and insert it into the post or I can use one from the past. At times this is from my blog and at other times it is from the thousands of picture files on the computer.
Then, after some proofreading, I hit publish! And that's that. Except for when I keep finding mistakes during my proofreading until I eventually give up or when Blogger gets persnickety and the spacing is way off. And that usually takes a long, aggravating time to correct.
I'm guessing that you never knew that my simple little posts were so laborious for me to write. Remind me again why I do this A-Z challenge every year? :)