If you read here very often, you know that we are in the middle of a kitchen remodel. In addition to the kitchen, we are having a few other things done that we've been meaning to get to since we moved in. Ward and I have a history of fixing up places right before we sell them - sometimes just for the sale, or sometimes we only seem to get around to things right before it's time to move. So we're trying to do it differently with this house and fix things up so we can enjoy them. We've done a fair amount to our house so far, but much of the earlier work was either done before we moved in or outside, minimalizing the effects on our daily lives. Not so this time. But there is an end in sight even if the project is taking longer than anticipated. We should be done by June if the supply chains behave themselves.
It's been three weeks since I've shown any pictures, so here are a few if you are keeping track. Still, not much of the pretty stuff to show, but we are getting good work behind where the pretty stuff will be.
This window got reframed to include a wider sill. It will be above the sink, and I hoped to have a place to put a plant or two. We shall see. Since they had to leave room for the faucet, it didn't turn out as wide as I had hoped. |
The pocket door to the pantry has been installed as well as new drywall over the pocket part. This door came from an opening into the kitchen from the garage. We never closed it, so we repurposed it for the pantry. That way, there didn't have to be a big search to find a door that matched the others. I don't know if they will take it out to paint it or not. |
They have taken the washer and dryer out several times, and the last couple of times, I thought the clothes were coming out of the washer warm, especially for a cold water rinse. Unfortunately, the water lines had been installed backward, so Ward changed them and put up a label to help when they have to move them again. |
They are changing the door frame to the basement to a cased opening. We took this door off soon after moving in because it was in an impossible place where three different doors interfered with each other. They used Bondo to fill the holes in this area and the pantry door. |
The repainted vanity and the new top have been installed. The faucet will be installed when the plumber comes to put in the toilet. |
The wainscotting has been reinstalled around the new opening into the kitchen. Luckily, they were able to make the new configuration work. In addition, you may notice the new air filter Ward built. It is helping with the dust somewhat. |
Until next time...