or Another Miscellaneous Post
I first learned the word miscellaneous and how to spell it in third grade. My teacher, Mrs. Conley, had a job chart, and one of the categories was Miscellaneous. I learned to spell it from the chart, and I was very proud that I could spell such a long word.
We pick two ripe figs and two overly ripe figs with promises of more to come. |
The fig tree is still in a pot, so it will have to be transplanted this fall. Figuring out the right location still eludes us. Our winters are too cold for most figs unless they have a well-established root system. Then they can recover from the winter freezes. They do best close to the house on a south-facing wall. We'll figure out something.
The fig tree has outgrown its space. |
We are waiting for these to ripen. |
I finally planted a few things for the fall garden using leftover seeds from 2020. I have planted turnips, beets, and radishes, and a few of them have started to come up. Luckily, these vegetables are not nearly as finicky as pears and figs about when they are ready to eat. Sometimes you can leave turnips in the ground for months. In fact, they are supposed to get sweeter with a couple of frosts.
Now to talk about more outdoor activity that doesn't involve food. Last weekend, Wally arranged an outing for us at a park halfway between our two houses. It was a new to us park, and we will definitely be returning. There were good hiking trails, picnicking areas, a nature center, and a lake, as well as tennis and basketball courts. Something for everyone, but we were primarily interested in the trails.
Ward, Wally, and Theo hiking a new-to-us trail. |
This didn't turn out to be quite as random as I thought it would since I seem to have an outdoor theme going. Of course, you can't talk about the outdoors without talking about the weather. It's still hot and muggy here, with not enough rain. I'm ready for some days in the 70s.
Until next time...