Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Second Look--February 18, 2015

What can I say? It's winter and we've been dealing with frigid temperatures in the single digits with snow thrown in then and again. What amazes me is the birds are out in it all acting like there is nothing going on. Even when there have been 30 to 40 mph sustained winds, they seemed unphased. However, I have not functioned so well in the inclement weather, so you may notice that most of pictures this week were taken from inside the comfort of my house.

Here are some things I saw this week 
during a Second Look.

The sun came out after the snow ended yesterday. A very beautiful sight although the brightness was a little hard on the eyes.

Mourning dove. A pair of doves spent the day with us but we haven't seen them since.

Can you find the camouflaged sparrow in this picture? (Hint: Look on the branch.)

You can see this sparrow better with its fluffed feathers trying to keep warm.

This junco has also fluffed up trying to keep warm.

Starling and Red-bellied woodpecker. I finally got a good look at the red-bellied woodpecker to see where it's name came from. See the red stripe on it's belly in the second picture. Although it has a dominant red head, in this naming, it's the belly that counts.

These three deer were part of a herd of ten that were visiting one afternoon. Notice their darker winter coats.
