I find Idioms Intriguing and an Interesting part of a language. For your Illumination today, here are Intriguing Idioms and Insights onto their Inceptions.
In the limelight: means the center of attention. This comes from the 1840's when they heated lime to produce bright lights to illuminate acts on stage.
It takes to two tango: means it takes two people to accomplish something. Apparently, this expression became popular in the 1920's when the tango was popular in the U.S.
Ignorance is bliss: means you're a lot happier if you don't know the bad stuff going on. Sophocles wrote about it around 400 B. C., so it doesn't just apply to avoiding the news coverage of today.
In the bag: means a sure success. This came from the 1600's when hunters put their small game into a bag after they shot it. So if they had a successful hunting trip, it was all in the bag.
That's only a few I idioms, but I think I'll stop there because the rest I'm considering using deal with death and mayhem. I think In the bag was enough on that topic.
So instead of more interesting idioms, I'll leave with a few more words in honor of National Poetry Month that is be observed this April.
Big I
little i
i i i
Icabod is itchy.
So am I.
Dr. Seuss