Recently, I saw a YouTube video of two 17 year old boys trying to figure out how to use a rotary telephone. I had never thought about how different smart phones of today are from dial phones of yesteryear until I saw the video below. And I had never really thought about how many logical ways you can try to dial a phone number with a rotary phone.
Watch the video below of the young men's attempts and see what you think.
After seeing this, I wondered if my kids knew how to use a rotary phone. Theo said that he had never used one before but knew how to use them from seeing them in movies and on TV. Wally said the same thing, but actually realized he didn't after watching the video.
The whole thing was very amusing to me and thought that it just must be the younger generation with the lack of knowledge. That was until I saw the sign below in the waiting room of an office.
I guess those boys weren't the only ones who didn't know that you needed to keep the receiver up to make a phone call on older phones. :) Do you still use a dial phone? Do your kids know how to use one?