Week two of construction on the porch
that is being built on the back of our house.
For those of you who are not interested in construction details, which can be tedious at times, you can keep up if you know that after demolition was completed last week, the project moved onto starting the foundation.
Now a few more details.
They started digging the holes for the footers. I was very impressed with the deep holes the mason's crew dug in the rocky soil with only hand tools - a digging bar, shovel and post hole digger. As you may remember, it took me forever to dig 6" deep holes to plant some tulip bulbs. |
The porch will be supported by 6 piers. Here are the locations of half of them. The holes are approximately 32" x 32". Those next to the house are 6' deep reaching down to the original footers of the house foundation while the others go down to the frost depth 36". We weren't there to see the workers complete the holes, but it must have taken some special skill to excavate that 6' deep one. |
There were various wires and pipes they encountered while digging. Some of these things they had an idea of where they might be, but others were not known. How they were able to dig and not do any damage is another amazing thing to me. But all of our drains, water, and electricity still work, so all is good. |
A few days later, the inspector came and passed the foundation holes. We have a sticker on the back of our building permit that says we passed the first inspection and work can proceed. |
The mason's crew came back the next day to put the concrete into the holes. |
Now we wait for the concrete to cure, so the next part can begin. |
Until next time...