Y is for Yellow around and about the house.
I think this banana is perfectly ripe. My father would have agreed, but my mother would have said that it was almost rotten. Ward will eat them green or very ripe. What's your banana preference? |
This is a very positive picture book about the possibilities of a day. Good pictures and simple words for kids and also, a great message for adults and kids alike. It's one of my favorites. |
I snatched this magnet from my mother's refrigerator when we were cleaning out her house. Blue and Yellow (gold) are WV's state colors. |
Double sided tape always says school projects to me. Many posters were made with this kind of tape at our house when Wally and Theo were in school. BTW, I learned from all of them that you get what you pay for with DS tape. |
Speaking of school, these are scissors that Theo used in third grade. The pen on top is my new favorite. It writes with smooth purple ink. |
This is one of my gardening reference books. Like most of the Dummies books, it gives good information in a clear, easy to read style. |
Dandelion and a tiny ant enjoying its nectar. Dandelions are so pretty. I wonder when it was decided that they were a weed? |
Leaf scoops. These are handy for picking up any kind of debris around the yard. We bought them on an impulse several years ago and have never regretted it. |
The groundcover, yellow lanium, is in bloom. With its varigeited leaves and yellow blooms I think it is quite pretty. |