Sunday, May 7, 2017

Thankful Sunday--May 7, 2017

Red is being leash trained while he learns boundries and to come when called. 
I am thankful for buttercups.

Every year Aunt Martha selectively mows her yard to let a field of buttercups grow into a striking mass of yellow. Over the years, this became a great place to photograph her dog, Bear because he was totally black and didn't always show up well in photos.

Sadly, he passed away last year, but they have a new dog, Red. Red is a rescued redtick coonhound and has a varied, auburn coat which does not present the same picture challenges as Bear's did. However, I thought the tradition of buttercup dog photos should go on, so I took a picture of Red in them. And he looked just as good as Bear did. Enough so, that my sisters and I are thinking about having our pictures taken with the buttercups, since we also have auburn hair.  :)

So for buttercups, old traditions and new dogs, I am thankful.