Sunday, January 27, 2019

Thankful Sunday, January 27, 2019

I am thankful for sleep.

I think we all know that adequate sleep can make a positive difference in almost every situation. I have learned this many times and had yet another example recently.

Two weeks ago, my neighbor dropped dead. He had been sick, but it was totally unexpected. After his death, I went to work and learned that another friend's husband had also died. He had been sick, but that death was also unexpected.

These two deaths shook me. As I was trying to be supportive, I saw up close and personal the difficulties that these widows were going through. These couples were only a few years older than Ward and I and the situations were hitting too close to home. Even with my best attempts to retrain my thoughts, I was preoccupied with death and the meaning of life. Consequently, sleep did not come easily.

Until two nights a go. I slept most of the night and woke up with a new lease on life. My troubling thoughts are now just a part of my thoughts but not all consuming. They are in balance with the rest of the whirlwind that occupies my brain. And so for a good night's sleep, I am thankful.