with Sarah.
Today, I spent another morning with my special buddy, Sarah. There was a lot of rain but that did not stop her from bringing her traveling menagerie of stuffed animals. Today she brought birds-3 mallard ducks, 3 Canadian geese, a robin, and way in the bottom of the bag was an ostrich, Stretch. Apparently, Stretch had been misbehaving because when Sarah was putting her birds away before we went for a walk, she said that Stretch had to stay out because he had been biting the other birds. And in the same breath she wanted to make sure I knew that Stretch was an ostrich and not an emu. I asked how she knew and she said that ostriches have two toes and emus have three toes. She showed me Stretch's toes and then showed me with her fingers how each bird walks. Another Live and Learn moment for me because I didn't know that. I always learn something from my time with Sarah and for that I am thankful.