Thursday, August 23, 2012

Work vs. Play

or Different Strokes for Different Folks

I've been trying to figure out for a while why what is work for some people is play for others. For example, I've been wondering why Uncle Billy likes to cook and I consider it a chore. Why Ward has fun raking and I find it tedious. Why Wally likes entropy and I love to put things in order.

And you know what? I figured out the obvious--we're all different. "Different strokes for different folks."

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Ward finds raking relaxing and I find it tedious.

Uncle Billy likes to cook and we just find it time consuming.  (However like Dog, we all like to eat.)


I like to plant and pull weeds and Theo only does it when he has to.

I like working with beads and Lucy would rather look at her toes.

I don't mind doing all parts of the laundry but Theodore doesn't like to fold.

But we all like the challenge of outsmarting the squirrels.