B is for Blue Apron and
Belated Thankful Sunday
Recently, I had a post titled Wally's Blue Apron Experience. It was a post about the Blue Apron meal service that my son, Wally, had received as a gift. However when Lili at Creative Savv saw the title, she thought it was about an actual blue apron that Wally had. You know the kind. One usually made of cloth worn over your clothes to protect them from getting dirty.
Well, today's post is actually about a blue apron. It's one my mother made for me when I was a little girl. I'm not sure how little but little enough that I was not yet in school. It was gathered with big pockets and tied around my waist. I wore it when I helped my mother.
My favorite thing to do while wearing my apron was to make pies with her. I had my own little pie pan and I made a little pie while she made a big one. Hers was usually an apple pie and mine was usually a tart with a cinnamon and sugar filling. During this time, she taught me how to make pie crust using Crisco and ice water and how to make it turn out nice and flaky every time.
I also wore the apron when I helped to hang out clothes. My father put up a little clothesline just my height and the washcloths were my responsibility. The big pockets of my blue apron held the clothes pins and my mother taught me how to shake the cloths out and hang the corners together.
Recently, we found that little blue apron while we were cleaning out the house that my parents lived in for over 55 years. As with many other things we have found, the blue apron brought back good memories and some ponderings. How did my mother do it? How did she have time to do those things with just me. She had three other kids to worry about and a husband who worked long hours. I know that it would have been a lot faster to do these tasks by herself. But instead, she did them with me and made me feel important.
So for the time I spent in my little blue apron with my mother, I am thankful.