We finally had some rain, real rain. Meaning we had rain, drizzle, and more rain on and off for two days. Already you can see things greening up. It was wonderful.
Here are a few things I saw during my Second Look this week.
They're hard to see, but honey bees were all over the hydrangea blooms. |
Meanwhile, less than 10 feet away, the spirea were covered with bumble bees but no honey bees. |
And in the vegetable garden, it was bumble bees. I don't know if all of the orange color in the pollen sac came from the tomato blossoms or not. |
However, in the beans, I found an insect that I didn't want to see, a Japanese beetle. Time to get the traps out. |
As it turns out, the volunteer plants that I thought might be Mexican sunflowers are four o'clocks, named because they open in the late afternoon and are closed during the day. With the rain came the wind, and you can see its effects in the picture I tried to take of them. |
We finally got some mulch in around the vinca. |
The butterfly bush is starting to bloom, but cabbage butterflies are the only ones we've seen so far. |
The baby house wrens should be fledging soon. |
Until next time...