Today was my day off and I had several things that I wanted to get done around the house. However, it wasn't Ward's day off and he seemed to have an entire day of important meetings. What did that mean to me? Anything in the kitchen was too loud. Vacuuming - too loud. Computer work - hard to concentrate on my things while listening to his meetings. So what did I do? Played a few computer games and wandered around from shady spot to shady spot in the yard doing a bit of clean up. Along the way, I took a few pictures to share.
We are seeing a lot of rabbits this year. This is one of the younger ones. |
The day lily blooms are very pretty. However, the leaves all turn to brown as soon as it gets too hot. Ours are moving into the browning stage, but we still have some blooms. |
Despite the fact that I pulled up all of the coneflowers two years ago because of disease, some of them have come back and the insects are enjoying them. If you look closely you'll see the bee's pollen covered legs as well as a busy proboscis.
Our little fig tree is growing. We may actually get a dozen or so figs from it this year. That's at least a 200% increase from previous years. |
Little skipper butterflies are everwhere. |
Some cicadas come out every 17 years and some of them come out every year like this green-eyed cousin to the red-eyed Brood X that invaded earlier this summer. |
Another skipper on comos. |
The Black-eyed Susan bloomed this week. Something eats the petals of them as well as the cone flowers' petals. BTW, Black-eyed Susan is the state flower of Maryland. |
Spirea |
Caladium and vinca. These are planted in front of Ward's shop in a planter, made by his dad, from an old hot water heater . |