Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Second Look--October 24, 2012

Fall is here in all of its glory. The trees are really starting to turn while a few flowers are still blooming. The nights are cool and the days are warm. I'm glad that I got a chance to enjoy it this week.

See what I found this week during a Second Look.

We have a new color of mum blooming. (Notice the criss-crossing spirals in the middle.)

Most of the coneflowers have gone to seed, but a few are still hanging on like this one.

Fungus always grows more vigorously in the fall.

Most of the sweet gum trees, like this one, are in prime color.

I found a violet and fleabane both of which usually bloom earlier in the year.

We have a big crop of black walnuts this year. Too bad we don't like them.

Last week, only one of these mums was blooming. Now there are many.

Honeysuckle vine twisting around itself and a wild cherry tree.