Last time, I described our local community fair and how much I enjoyed it. As promised, here is an accounting of this year's fair. Even though I managed to go to the fair three times, I didn't see most events (or get pictures), so you'll only see a few things going on from my perspective.
Some years, I have been crafty throughout the year, and I have things to enter. Some years, not. That was this year. So, when I looked around and saw nothing to enter, I got to work making a collage. I've been making a collage for the fair for the last few years. I used to enter photos, but that category has gotten really competitive since almost everyone has a good camera on their phone. I decided to focus on the art area even though I have no drawing or painting abilities. But I can cut and paste, so collages it's been. Some years, I've won a ribbon, and some years, I have not. And quite truthfully, some of my collages have not been very good.
The collage in process. One of my self-imposed rules is that I can't buy anything to make my collage. This presents a challenge sometimes as I try to find the right things for it. |
I asked Ward to help cut tape to put around the edges, and it got to be an involved process. The tape certainly didn't come off after all of this. |
I titled my piece "Appalachian Sunrise" and was a little disappointed that it didn't get a ribbon. However, it couldn't hold a candle to the dragon collage that was the champion. |
Look what I found the next day! The ribbon had been hiding behind it all along. |
Meanwhile, Ward entered a few things in the woodworking area. These were a set of pencil boxes made from maple, oak, and walnut. |
In the novelty class, Ward entered a puzzle box made from paint stirrers. |
He also entered this puzzle box. It takes 12 steps to find the two hidden drawers inside. Ward didn't want to enter it because he thought it was too complicated to judge, even with instructions. However, he won a second and Special Kid's Choice Award. The local 4-H club picks their favorite for the class. I don't know if they figured out how to open it or just appreciated how complicated it was. BTW, I can't open it even with the instructions. 😀 |
I also entered 8 cut flowers from around the yard. This zinnia and a rudbeckia got blue ribbons. |
Our entries were rounded out with some basil and wax beans. Both got red ribbons. |
Here are a few more photos in the entry hall.
Ice cream-making contest. |
Well, there you have it. My version of this year's fair.