Sunday, December 14, 2014

Thankful Sunday--December 13, 2014

I am thankful for Christmas puzzles.

During the hustle and bustle of this Christmas season, it's nice to take time out for some quiet activities. That's what we did yesterday with Miss Landers when we worked on a Christmas puzzle at her house. For the quiet puzzle fun and the good conversation we had, I am thankful.


  1. Oh, you are one of those people who happen to be good at puzzles, right? Me, not so much, although they are fun to do every so often.

    1. I'm okay with puzzles, but Ward is amazing. He is really good with spacial relationships and it shows when he is working puzzles.

  2. I haven't done a puzzle in years. We used to have one being worked on all the time when my boys were home.

    1. We have one up during much of the winter. However, we have to be careful that we don't work the puzzle when some other things need to be done and the cats don't "play" with it too much. Now that you have more space, you might set a puzzle up again this winter.

  3. I love a puzzle during the Christmas holidays. 500 pieces is my limit though!

    1. 500 pieces is more my speed also. However, Miss Landers likes the bigger ones.


What do you think?