Here are a Sundry of things.
My niece as a young teen. A lot of things have happened since then including her engagement. |
--Things Sobered up a bit this morning when I attended the funeral for a friend's father. It was a different kind of service for me with the first part being performed by his Mason brothers and the second part being preformed by a rabbi. It was a meaningful experience and inspired me to want to do more good in the world.
--Our deck in the back is South facing and is too hot to use most of the time. We want to put a roof on it to help both with the heat and the rain. We've just gotten our first estimate and we're in a bit of sticker shock. Let's just say that it's going to cost more than we sold my parent's house for.
--Speaking of which, the closing for my parent's house was last Monday and all went well. It's bittersweet and when I think about all of the memories, I get a bit teary-eyed. However, I'm glad that we no longer have that responsibility to worry about. The new owners have great plans for it and I hope they enjoy it as much as my family did.
--Ward's eye is Showing improvement and today all of his restrictions got lifted. Hooray! He's one happy man.
--Spring is still painting its way through my yard. Here are a few of the latest developments.
The lilac bushes are blooming now. |
And the crabapple trees are in full bloom. |
This catbird has been around singing all kinds of songs. |
And the bluebird's nest has been lined and there are two eggs in it. I anticipate more to come. |