Theo was an interesting child. He was
always thinking and seemed to be several steps ahead of most people
especially his parents. He loved to read. But most of all, he loved
to think. To analyze. To take ideas to their logical conclusion. To
learn. To think.
As I said, Theo was an interesting
child. Everyone, parents, grandparents,and teachers had great plans for
him. He would go to college, get at least a doctorate degree and come
up with some great invention or business. The sky was the limit.
So he started college. He changed
majors a few times and settled on Financial Economics. That was a
topic far from my interests, but he and Ward would have great debates
on the merits of different economic policies on the financial health
of the world. Some classes interested him and some didn't. So college
went along and had it's ups and downs. However, everyone still agreed
that he was a great thinker. That was why we were shocked when he
came to us in his final year of college and said that he was dropping
out to become a clock and watch maker.
We had the typical parental reaction. A
what? What are you thinking? Just finish the degree and then you can
do something else. I was thinking about the plans everyone secretly
had for him. Our thinker wants to work with his hands? Maybe Wally
who was always tinkering and building things, but not Theo who rarely
built things. But our thinker had thought it through. This was not a
whim. For a while, he hadn't liked college or his major and when he
started to interview for jobs, he knew that was it. He would not be
happy in his field.
So I could say a lot of things here
about following your passion or marching to the beat of your own
drummer. But mostly I want to say that I admire my son for the
courage he had to change the course of his life despite the unknowns.
I also admire him for listening to what he really wanted and needed
and not to what others wanted for him. Those are things I don't do
easily. I hope that I can remember Theo's example then and again and
make my life fit better who I really am.
Is change hard for you or are you
excited when you try something different?