Is it just us, or is there anyone else out there who's trying to finish up last year's gifts before this year's Christmas? Both in the giving and receiving?
For example, last year for Christmas, we got Theo new seat covers for his car. The upholstery in his car is light tan and was definitely worse for the wear. Thus, we thought the covers were something he could use. Well, he didn't put them on immediately and forgot about them in the back of his closet. When his birthday rolled around 5 months later, we said that we would clean his car, check all of the fluids, etc. and install his seat covers as a gift. But it never seemed to make it to the top of our To Do list and Theo never mentioned it. So our good intentions continued to languish. Finally, a couple of months ago, we checked his fluids, tire pressure, etc. I guess that was probably the most important part of the gift, so good for us for starting with that.
However, the covers continued to remain in their package, that is, until this morning. I am pleased to say that Theo now has a clean car inside and out and new seat covers installed. He is happy and so are we. And it's not even Christmas Eve.
On the receiving end, I was given a couple of things that I have yet to use. No good reason, except for the out-of-sight, out-of-mind thing. These are things that am interested in, but my follow through was not the best. And Ward has a gift card still to use that he was given last year. How many more shopping days do we have?
Better get busy if we're going to finish last years gifts before we finish preparing this years.
Until next time...
(By the way, if you are one of the people reading this who gave us gifts last year, thank you very much. And rest assured, we're not talking about yours being left unused. We're talking about someone else's. 😉 )