Too Hot!!

Today was going to be our first day to explore Toronto. We had a day planned with three different places to visit. However, Mother Nature got in the way with record breaking high temperatures.
Casa Loma |
Our first stop was Casa Loma, an early 1900's castle built by Henry Pellatt. The 98 room castle and Pellatt's life were quite interesting, but the few fans that were blowing were not adequate to handle the building 100 degree heat of the day. By the time we finished the tour, we were drenched in sweat and cranky. We decided to cut our losses and head back to our air conditioned hotel in suburbs.
We may or may not make it to our other destinations tomorrow. It should be cooler, but still in the 90's.
Other vacation tidbits:
--We continued our power plant theme with the Casa Loma visit. We learned Pellatt was the first to build a power plant at Niagara Falls, but because of Adam Beck's campaigning for free electricty, Pallett lost his plant to the state with no compensation for his investment. Later, Beck oversaw the building of another plant that bore his name. That was the one we visited a couple of days ago.
--Everything is very expensive in Canada especially food.
--Toronto traffic seems to be always busy. At 10 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, we were in stop and go rush hour traffic. Our hotel is in the suburbs, so this is something we have to deal with. However, the traffic is generally well behaved--except for the car that cut off the semi truck today on one of the side roads. We were then treated to several blocks of a lot of yelling and a lot of bad language. Toronto is known to be the polite city. I guess that is why we didn't see any guns come out.
--With hotels, you get what you pay for.
--Wally has almost finished reading a 1000 page book, and Theodore is having problems with his feet which is limiting his participation in some things.
--We have discovered the truely Canadian, Tim Hortons coffee and donut shop, and poutine--a dish of French fries, meat, and cheese curds covered with gravy. There are many variations and it is sold everywhere. Ward and the boys especially like it.
--No matter how organized we seem, or how well we pack, it looks like our things have exploded in our car or our room after we spend just a short amount of time in them.
--We love our GPS!
--A lot of people snore in our family.