Friday, May 3, 2024

Speed Blogging

The Lily of the Valley is in bloom now.

 My timer is set to 13 minutes, so I'll see where my typing fingers take me. I need to do this quickly because we are leaving soon to visit my father-in-law. We have to go through some major traffic to get there, so we try to time our trips carefully.

6 yo Ward
Today is Ward's birthday. We're going to do a family celebration next week when everyone can come. I was lucky to find Ward. He is a good, hardworking, kind, responsible person. I am even more fortunate that we have become closer and closer over the years. We were young when we got married, 24, but it seemed old at the time. As we matured, we could have easily grown apart, but we were able to work through our differences and become closer and happier throughout the years. The biggest thing we had to do was learn how to disagree/fight. We have very different styles of handling disagreements, and it took us a while to learn a compromise. And yes, even after decades of marriage, we are still learning about each other. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Ward!

I have been setting weekly goals for myself for a couple of months now. I mentioned before that they are things in the background and don't always get the attention they need. I try to include some things in the house (usually cleaning), some things outside, 2 blog posts, a letter or card to someone, and a social contact with someone I haven't seen in a while. So far, I am meeting all of my goals, but it's a struggle to get them all in at times. I'm on track for this week after I get the downstairs toilet cleaned. That bathroom is seldom used, and scum from the water builds up in it. 

I have to work Saturday and Sunday, so today is my day to finish the list, which I think I can do after we return from our trip.

We've had a couple of days in the high 80s, which was unseasonably warm. Our last frost day is coming soon, so I think I can start putting out some warm-weather plants. Tomatoes are the first things that come to mind. Yesterday, I put up some sticks and string for the pea plants to vine onto. They look pretty wonky, but I think they should work. However, I know Ward will have the urge to make something more substantial when he sees them. :) I have been transplanting more plants from a bed that I hope to redo. Nothing does very well there, so I want to do some soil amendments and start over, except for a couple of irises I planted there a few years ago and have finally bloomed. 

Ward is calling, telling me it's time to go. 

So, until next time...