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The plum tree, Saturday afternoon |
Last Saturday morning, we went to Virginia to visit my father-in-law. Later that afternoon, we came home and saw that the plum tree was in full bloom! Saturday morning, it was mostly bare branches, and voila, that afternoon, it was full of blossoms. Spring is like that.
I have been thinking about this post for a while now and was going to feature trees and their new growth processes. But every day, the post I write in my head has to change because nature always seems to be one step ahead of me. So below, before everything skips the rest of spring and becomes summer-like, here are pictures from the past few days around the yard.
Forsythia. We have a long hedge along our back fence. While it is pretty in the spring, it grows like wild and requires a lot of upkeep to keep under control. |
The Bradford pears are in bloom everywhere. This was one we had in our front yard until a storm took it out a few years ago. |
The ornamental cherry trees are blooming everywhere, too. We're lucky that we get to see our neighbor's tree right over the fence. |
Our cherry tree is fruit-bearing and hasn't flowered out yet. |
Quince bush. This was much like the plum tree. One day, it was bare, and the next, it was in full bloom. |
Daffodils |
Daffodils |
The phlox is just starting to bloom. |
The warm weather last week was followed by temperatures in the 20s some mornings, and several things, like these mums, got frostbitten. |
I have to work all weekend, but we're supposed to have flooding rains on Saturday, so that's a good day to be inside. What's happening at your house?
Until next time...