The snow started Sunday night and it is still snowing this morning. Even with all of the precipitation we've had, it's not that deep because it has been intermixed with freezing rain and sleet. However, because of that, it is very hard to shovel. The end broke off one of our shovels, so we have to take turns with our other one. The goal of the morning is to get enough of the driveway clear so I can get to work this afternoon. We haven't been out, but I assume the roads won't be too bad by then. However, I worry about black ice on my way home when it will be dark and colder. We shall see.
In the meantime, here are some pictures from my files of birds in snow, just because.
Cardinal, house finch, gold finches, juncos |
Dark-eyed junco |
Female cardinal and dark-eyed junco. |
White-throated sparrow |
Mourning dove |
Carolina wren |
Male cardinal |
Northern flicker |
Female downy woodpecker |
Red-bellied woodpecker |
Male downy woodpecker |
Blue jay |
Tufted titmouse |
House finches |
Starlings |
I guess I can't put it off any longer. Time to go shovel snow.
Until next time...