Sour cherries from our tree |
You are probably familiar with the saying, "Life is Like a Bowl of Cherries." It is meant to be used when life is good but is often used sarcastically as Erma Bombeck did for her book, If Life is Bowl of Cherries, What am I Doing in the Pits? But I mean it in a good way. Life is indeed a bowl of cherries here both figuratively and literally. We are still basking in the afterglow of the construction being completed, and we got cherries from our cherry tree this year! This was a welcome event because last year, birds and a fungus got to them before we did.
The tree is old, and much of the cherries are out of reach even with a ladder and a pole, but we picked what we could. |
Cherries are one of those fruits that turn your hands black. I was embarrassed when I had to go to work with these dirty-looking hands, but it was what it was. |
Most of the cherries are in the freezer but some got baked into this pie for the 4th of July cookout. I also made an apple pie. As Ward says, "You can never have too much pie." |
Until next time...