Saturday, July 16, 2022

A Passel of Posy Pictures

 You all know how much I like taking pictures of what's blooming around my house. Well, a funny thing happened on my way to take pictures the last couple of months-I got distracted by construction. I finally made it out into the yard this morning for some photos and below are my passel of posy pictures. :)


Oak-leaf hydrangea

Zinnia's that the rabbits have been enjoying.


Vinca. In the upper left, you can see part of the fig tree.

Day Lilies.

Black-eyed Susans. You can see where the Japanese beetles are eating the petals. They eat the coneflower petals, too.


Four O'clocks. Later this afternoon, say around 4 o'clock, these will be in full bloom. 

Bachelor's Button. Notice the pollen sacs of the back legs of the bee.

The allium are ready to burst into full bloom.

The row of begonias along our front walk do great every year. Not only do they provide good color, they require essentially no maintenance. 

This lone azalea bloom is about two months behind the others.

Dianthus. Most of these are suffering from the heat.

Until next time...