Monday, December 21, 2020


 Whose idea was it to post every day? I think I've hit the Christmas and posting wall. COVID concerns have jumbled all of our potential plans and everything is up in the air. I can adjust to most things except uncertainty. That's where I struggle.

So I'm in a Christmas funk. I am no longer interested in gifts, baking, carols, holiday movies, etc. However, life goes on and I'm going through the motions. You know, the fake it until you make it. 

Yesterday, Ward and I went to Wally's apartment to help him hang some Christmas lights. We also took him a small tree. It was good to see him even if it was a short visit. We sang Christmas carols all of the way there during which I discovered that I don't know the words to all of them as well as I thought I did. However, I'm pretty good at making them up as I go along (which drives Miss Landers crazy. Good thing she wasn't there to hear me).

Saturday night, I decided that we should watch a Christmas movie and chose Miracle on 34th Street which we found on Amazon Prime. However, I spent much of the movie confused. Something didn't seem entirely right. The actors, while familiar, didn't look quite like I remembered. However, the story was right on. After a little Googling, I figured out that we were watching a 1955 version of a TV adaption of the movie. Then it all made sense why Grandpa Horton was playing the love interest. (Grandpa Horton was a long-time character from the soap, Days of Our Lives. He was played by MacDonald Carey.")

Since that show only lasted 40 minutes, we decided to watch another Christmas movie. We chose one randomly from the list and watched a very bad, but heartwarming movie about a widowed dad with a young daughter who wants a happy dad for Christmas. Enter spoiled rich girl who becomes a better person until there is strife because of some lies. But, of course, there was a happy ending. Last night I watched the Sound of Music which was also a story about the softening of a widower's heart by an unlikely love interest, but it was 100 times better than the one the night before. And I got all of the words to those songs right as I sang along. Maybe because I was singing along instead of by myself. :)

Don't ask me why we haven't done it before, but this past weekend we finally did some Zoom calls with relatives. While both Ward and I both have had plenty of virtual meetings for work, we have remained old school with phone calls and emails (and even some snail mail) for our personal communications. However, we finally joined the rest of the world and enjoyed seeing some faces to go with our conversations.

More baking is on the schedule for today, as well as, putting some last minute touches on a few gifts. 

So I will continue faking it until I make it which may be after I totally wake up. Have I mentioned before that I'm not a morning person?

Until next time...