We don't have cats anymore to take care of the critters that get into the house. Here, Annie and Leo are tracking a mouse. |
This afternoon, Ward and I were sitting in the family room, where he was showing me how a complicated puzzle box he was making worked. Then he said, "I just saw a floater or a mouse ran under that chair." I said I hoped it was a floater! He lifted the chair, and a little field mouse ran out and under the couch.
I hate to admit it, but I'm a stereotypical female who does not like mice running around her house. I didn't quite scream, "EEK!" but I did put my feet up in the chair when I saw the mouse scurry for cover. However, I got down to help Ward find where we had put the mouse traps. It took a bit, but we found the traps, and Ward baited one with sunflower seeds and peanut butter. I'm dreading hearing the trap snap, but even more, I'm dreading the thought of a mouse scurrying over me in bed tonight.
I wish we could just open the door and shoo it out, but it's much too scared for that to happen easily. Of course, outside, it could be victim to the many hawks we see riding air drafts, but that's more in line with the circle of life.
Anyway, there's a mouse in the house, and I feel silly worrying about it. But at least I'm not freaking out like the time we found a snake taped to our wall.