Tuesday, September 18, 2018

You Can't Make this Stuff Up

My neighborhood has a Facebook group where we communicate with each other. Here is a recent exchange.

W.   A dark bluish grey SUV drove thru the neighborhood around 6 and was dropping off chickens. If you have noticed any contact the Carey's at the end of Mullberry. they already came by and got mine but too dark to find any others.


C. I’m lost. Chickens?

W.  yes live chickens

W.  Saw 3 so far

A.  Just randomly “dropping off chickens”? That’s really weird! I wonder what the chickens think of that? Gives sort of a new twist to dinner delivery. I wonder if we can get some random vehicle to drive through dropping off dumplings, oh man that would be great.

L.  Daisy and Emma didn’t find any here. Young man searched my yard. How very strange!

 W.  L, you have one and it will show up.

L.  I have a chicken?

C.  I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. I mean, how hard is it to find a home for chickens? I’m sure much easier than rounding them up, driving to an unsuspecting neighborhood and sprinkling them about!

A.  Oh yeah! What a great thought! Chicken seeding!

A.  This is fantastic! What a great diversion in the middle of harvest!

A.  I wonder if the government is experimenting with “chicken seeding” now instead of cloud seeding.. it’s been raining enough for God’s sake. I wonder if “chicken seeding” is a new drying technique to wring the clouds out before they get here?


I can't tell you any more than the above exchange. 
It's all still a mystery.
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