Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Second Look--November 28, 2012

I didn't have much chance to explore the yard this week, so the pictures are mainly from our bird feeder and a stop we made on our drive home after Thanksgiving.

Here's what I saw this week during a Second Look.

This woodpecker is enjoying the new suet cake.

This sparrow spent at least 1/2 hour on the feeder. Other birds would come in and out, such as this chickadee, and the sparrow just hopped up and down the perch out of their way.

This blurry picture is a bird flying away from the feeder. I thought it was interesting that the shape of  its body looked so much like the shape of an airplane.

Crows have been visiting us recently.

Rhododendron at Cooper's Rock State Forest.

Overlook at Cooper's Rock.