This has been a particularly bad allergy season in the east this year. The experts say that is because of earlier cold weather which has everything blooming at the same time. I'd have to agree with that. A few days ago, all of the fruit trees were finally blooming and I just turned around and many other things have joined. Below are some of the things I found today when I took a Second Look.
The dogwoods, while still pretty, are past their prime. I had been meaning to take a picture of them the last couple of days, but didn't make it. |
The lilacs are in full bloom now, enough so, that these blooms have bent down the branch. |
I got these Lily of the Valley from a friend last year and I thought they didn't survive the transplant, but here they are. What a pleasant surprise. |
While I'm still figuring out how to control this ground cover, Yellow Archangel, I am enjoying its blooms. |
This side corner of the house shows two colors of azaleas, two kinds of nandinas, and a light color of lilacs. A nice, out of the way bit of color./ |
Azaleas are also providing color in front of the house. |
A close up of the above blooms. When I was looking at the three different azaleas plants this afternoon, I was convinced that they had totally different forms of blooms on their branches and I was all excited about noticing this difference. Upon closer examination, they were more alike than they were different. The actual blooms were different colors and sizes, but those were all of the major differences I could see. You should have heard the story I had made up about them. |
A prolific bloomer that looks very similar to the azaleas above but just a little behind in timing. |
This one is the slowest to bloom. |
The wren has started laying eggs. I anticipate more that these. |