The cold is finally here. After teasing for a week or so, there is no doubt--it is cold. It's been very windy and in the 20's F today, so when I went outside to do my Second Look, I only made it part way around the house. Then I decided that it was time to go inside. However, Ward says that weather like this is refreshing
, so if he ever gets home from work before it's dark, maybe I'll send him out to see what he can see. In the meantime, I did get a few pictures.
Here's what I saw this week
during a Second Look.
The view out of my kitchen window. Doesn't it look cold? |
I'm going to have to do something about the ice in the bird bath if I want them to be able to use it. |
The cold-hardy mums haven't quite disappeared, but they are looking a little scraggly. |
The buck visited again this week, but this time he was alone. |
The red-bellied woodpecker visited today for the first time since spring. |
The downy woodpeckers have also been enjoying the suet. |