Spring is such a beautiful time of year. The grass is lush green, and new flowers are blooming every day. Soon enough, the weather will be hot, the ground scorched, and all but the heartiest flowers will be long gone. But for now, it's spring, and the yard is happy. So here are more pictures of the flowers that just keep coming.
Dogwood. Dogwood is one of the last spring trees to bloom and my favorite. |
Tulips. There are yellow ones in this bed, too, but they always bloom later than the red ones. |
The azaleas in the front are starting to bloom. |
Another one of our large apple trees. It has lost several major limbs, but last year, we finally got a decent amount of apples from it. |
Lilac. Even though there are not as many blooms on the lilac bushes this spring because of pruning, I can smell them when I step out onto my back porch. |
Our little apple tree is also in full bloom now. |
More blooms on the wallflower. |
Bluebells |
We have two crabapples in bloom, but both have been limbed up for easy mowing under them. This lone bloom on a lower limb was the only picture I could easily get. |
Viburnum |
And here's another picture of the phlox. Well, because...just look at it! |
That's the flower parade for now. I'm sure I'll be back soon with more.
Until next time...