Sunday, April 1, 2018

A is for April and the A-Z Challenge

Welcome to the exciting month of April when I'm once again participating in the Blogging from A-Z Challenge. This challenge asks you post every day in April, except Sundays, with each post corresponding to a different letter of the alphabet. Except Sunday, you say, "Isn't today Sunday?" Well yes it is, but that's what happens when April happens to have five Sundays.
I've done this a couple of times in the past, 2015 and 2016, but didn't participate in 2017 because, quite frankly, it's exhausting. Posting every day with constraints is definitely a challenge for me, but I'd thought I'd give it a try this year to see if it would help me to get into the habit of blogging more regularly. The old hands at this challenge already have most if not all of their posts ready to go. But not me. I've been doing well enough to get a post out every week or so. Planning ahead just hasn't been in my schedule. So follow along as I scramble this month to post every day with a different letter of the alphabet.

As you know, today is also Easter, so my blogging time is up. Time to work on getting ready for Easter dinner which is at my house this year. See you tomorrow with the letter B

Happy Easter!

An Easter card I found in my Mother's things that I made in third grade.