We have no special traditions or expectations for Valentine's Day here. Some years, we go out to dinner. Sometimes, there are flowers or a card, and sometimes, the day passes without much notice. This year, we started our celebration last night with couples yoga at the gym. It was a fun and occasionally challenging hour of doing yoga poses together. Today, we will be cooking dinner together and eating at home. We chose the menu from favorite dishes and ended up with comfort foods, including creamed chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, and blueberry crisp.
However, this morning, I am remembering Valentine's Days when Wally and Theo were young. Oh, how I hated the Valentines that they had to hand out at school. Neither of them had good fine motor skills, and preparing Valentines for their class was torture for both them and me. However, we all survived.
I am also remembering Wally's third-grade Valentine's Day party at school. It was an interesting afternoon as I watched the girls and boys behave very differently. I've shared this story here before, but I'm going to do it again below. In the meantime, I hope you have a good day today, whether it is filled with hearts and chocolates or not.
Before I had kids, I thought that each child was an individual, and I didn't believe much in gender stereotypes in children. Little boys ran and jumped a lot because that's the kind of games they were taught. Little girls played with dolls because that was the kind of toys they were given. I thought that if all kids, regardless of gender, were exposed to the same things they would have the same tendencies. Then I spent some time in the real world of kids and figured out that I was wrong. Possibly there were some differences between boys and girls. From time to time, I'm going to share some of my experiences that led me to this conclusion. However, so as not to bias you, I'm going to let you guess who the boys are in the stories and who the girls are.
You choose: Which group was the boys and which was the girls?