But Mostly Ribbons
In September every year, my town holds a
small agricultural fair complete with everything from goats to chickens and tractor pulls to cake auctions. The fair is not only a long time tradition in the community, it has become a tradition with my family. The first year I discovered the fair, I entered a counted cross stitch piece that won a ribbon. From then on, I was hooked. While winning ribbons is fun, the fair has also become a place for us to meet with friends and neighbors. It's where I have the best grilled hot dog of the year and buy cookies from the local champion bakers. It's where every year, Ward and I marvel at how many colors chickens come in and wonder how people can have tomatoes that look that good at the end of the season. In other words, the fair is good, simple fun.
However, maybe it's time to get honest with you. I have made the fair sound like it's an idyllic scene from the
Andy Griffith Show, and I really enjoy the simple pleasures it brings. Well, that's mostly true. However, I just don't go to see the goats and eat hot dogs. The fair brings out my competitive spirit and the main reason I really go is to win ribbons. As I mentioned above, winning a prize was what got me hooked on the fair in the first place. I love the thrill of seeing a ribbon on some of my work and thank goodness this fair is a place where that happens easily. While not every entry gets a prize, effort is certainly rewarded. Now that is a simple pleasure.
Some Scenes From This Years Fair
The fair has many different categories and age groups for entries. Ward is examining the home arts division. |
It took me a really long to prepare these walnuts to enter so I was very happy with this ribbon. |
The photo category was the most competitive. We entered several pictures and were glad to get a couple ribbons. |
The pumpkins are a favorite of everyone. |
Several of our flower specimens won blue ribbons and several won no ribbons. |
The library was represented at the fair. I worked here Friday morning. |
Our favorite chicken. Notice the curly feathers in the back. |