As the days become longer, I am starting to see my first signs of spring. The birds are singing, the crocus are blooming, and I have smelled skunk. Now if the weather would just decide what it wants to do. We still have cold, nasty days interspersed with some pleasantly mild ones.
Wally, Aunt Martha, and Uncle Billy took one of my
Second Looks with me this week. Uncle Billy and Aunt Martha pointed out a couple of very round cows behind us that should be calving soon. Wally took some of the pictures.
Here's What I Saw This Week
This was a very cold and windy day with a few snowflakes coming from these clouds. |
The deer continue to be our daily visitors. |
Our first purple crocus of the year. We had a white one bloom earlier. |
The white and red cows look like they could be giving birth sometime this spring. |
I continue my fascination with the cardinal that raises and lowers its crest. This one showed up on the feeder with a full crest that he then raised and lowered a couple of times while he was eating. | |
Aunt Martha and Uncle Billy came with me on my walk this very pleasant day. |