Since you haven't heard from me for a while, you may have been wondering where I've been. Or maybe not. Anyway, I know I sound like a broken record, but I've been very busy with my houses leaving little time for much else including posting. However, I have started a few posts where I was going to catch you up. Let's see if I can finish the first one.
Over the holidays, Ward and I spent several days visiting my mother. While it's always good to see her, these trips can be intense both physically and emotionally. So, I've tried to make sure that each trip has something included in it just for fun.
This time we took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and took an afternoon hike. We hiked along a trail that has been in my town for many years. When I was younger, I remember walking along it and playing in the stream and looking at wildflowers along the way. Always a pleasant experience. This time, decades later, was no exception. Except instead of wild flowers, we saw ferns and moss and mud. Lots of mud. But with some detours off the path, we avoided the worst of it.
We also took some night walks with my mother on a walking path they have where she lives. We looked at stars and the bright eyes of deer in the dark. It has probably been years since my mother has been outside at night (except in an ambulance), so these walks were special for her. Sometimes you forget about the little things like seeing the stars at night that enrich your life.
All in all, it was a good trip and a nice break from all houses, all the time. Here are a few pictures.
The trail followed a little stream most of the way. |
We were lucky that in some places crossing the stream was easy. Other places it took a bit of jumping. |
The ferns and moss were a nice contrast against the browns. |
The deer didn't have any problems with the mud. |
After the hike, we joined my mother for dinner. Her nursing home is on top of a big hill and has beautiful sunsets. |
By the time dinner was finished, it was time for our walk in the dark. |
The trip home went smoothly. This time of year we usually encounter some ice and snow when we cross the mountains. However, this time all we had was a little rain and fog. |