or Three Data Points Do Not Make a Trend--or do they?
Not by any grand plan, we have had outings beyond the grocery store for the last three weekends in a row. The urge to jump in the car and go somewhere has been strong and we are lucky that we have found places to explore where it has been easy to maintain the proper social distancing practices. This past weekend we went on another barn quilt tour in a part of the state we weren't familiar with. This trail was put together mainly to promote local farms, so not surprisingly, we spent the day driving through farm country with rolling hills, red barns, and green hay fields. Here are some of the things we saw during our quilt scavenger hunt.
This was Brad's Farm Market quilt square representing their different products. Brad started with two produce stands and now has three large farms. |
This was at Boxwood Farms and hard to find. We had to go into the middle of the farm and talk to one of the owners before we found the quilt on the BACK of their dairy barn. |
Brooms Bloom Dairy Farm had an ice cream store associated with it. Unfortunately, it wasn't open. |
This was on one of the FFA barns at the local high school. Among other things, it looked like they were raising sheep and goats. |
This one was on Eden Mill which has been in existence since around 1798. The mill and associated buildings were closed. |
However, the trails in the nature center associated with the mill were open and we had a nice walk there.
We found this one at Fawn View Farm. Their write up mentioned five small children along with their major seed business, so I don't think they have had much time to spruce up their barn quilt. |
Martha's Farm Market had their square on a small store (which was closed). This was another one where we had to go into the depths of the farm to find the quilt. |
This was at Falling Branch Farm where among other things has
expanded into farm brewing. Ward was very disappointed that it was closed.
The next one was in a wildlife center and was my favorite. It's coming up next. |
Turtles seemed to be a theme here as we saw other turtles represented here and there around the grounds. |
And Ward found another dam to examine along the way. |
So we will see where the wanderlust takes us next week. I can't wait to find out.
Until next time...