A Day in the Life of..
or The Good, Bad, and the Mundane.
I'd like to say that my blog readers have been asking me what a typical day in my life is like, but they haven't. I'd like to say that I had a very interesting day yesterday that I'd like to share, but I didn't. What I will say, here is an experiment I did. I documented a day of mine, so when someone asks me what I've been up to, I might have an answer instead of a blank.
Did the experiment help me understand how I spend my time on a typical day? Well, sort of. Did I learn anything else? Yes, I learned that I don't need an exciting day to go to bed happy.
With no further ado, here is a day in the life of me.
Dawn broke and the cats' stomach alarms went off. And the only way to turn them off was to feed them. So I fed them. |
Next, I fed myself. I had my usual bowl of cereal (and some cookies.) But you won't see those. I like to present the illusion that I eat well. |
After breakfast, Wally and I chased down Annie to give her her medicine. And after we caught her, we had to catch Leo for the same thing. The whole process was exhausting. |
I was cutting it a little close, but on the way to work, but I stopped at the post office to mail a letter. Everything worked out just right and I made it to work on time. Hurray! |
Work was fairly routine. Book, book, everywhere a book. I won't mention the piece of birthday cake I had because as you know I eat well. |
After work, I went home for a healthful lunch of salad and cottage cheese. Fortunately, you can't see the three cookies I also had. And if you ask me about them, I will deny I know anything about them. I usually always have a good diet. |
Then I was off to see the eye doctor. (Get the pun. "See" the eye doctor. I amuse myself sometimes.) All was well and I got some free samples of eye drops. |
I decided that I should pick up a few groceries on the way home. Can't live without skim milk and Cheerios. Part of a good diet you know. |
After I got home, I did a little weeding. The rain we've had made the weeds fairly easy to dig and pull. |
While I was out, I thought I had better take the recycling down to the curb for tomorrow's pickup. It seems like we only remember to do this about half of the time, so I was pleased with myself. |
Then for some work on my blog. Joining me, with a little lap time, were the cats. All of them took a turn but Annie. She was still a little leery of me because the this morning's medicine chase. |
It was soon time to start supper. We had baked potatoes, green beans, and pork. And no cookies. (Ward got to them before I had a chance.) |
After supper we had a little relaxing time in front of the TV watching the Big Bang. We all love that show (except Wally). |
Soon it was time for bed. |
And a little reading. (And a few cookies that Ward didn't get to. Darn, they were good, but I had to brush my teeth again.) |
The End.