As you may have read, we are all working from home and that is keeping us busy. Boredom has not set in yet, but the need to be out and about is getting stronger, as the restrictions get tighter and tighter. However, we have found ways to help with that.
Like many other states, Maryland is on strict stay-at-home orders expect for necessary trips for food or medicine. But we've been going out anyway for drives. We don't get out of the car and are exploring places in the neighborhood that we haven't been to before. It is a very pleasant experience as everything is in bloom right now and Ward and I get a little calm, quiet time away from the constant barrage of news of the corona virus. Even when we turn off news and social media, there are frequent comments and discussions from work about it as our organizations are trying to work within the current constraints to offer good services.
Also as usually happens in the spring, neighbors are out in their yards or taking walks. We have been doing the same and are enjoying talking to others (with proper social distancing) as well as getting some fresh air. I have met one new family this way and Ward was able to help someone living alone fix their lawn mower. Our neighborhood is, also, doing the teddy bear in the window thing for kids to look for on walks. Really everyone is enjoying it although sometimes it is hard to see them depending on how the sun is shining on the window. The first bear I put up was too dark and couldn't be seen at all. Now we have a yellow horse/burro in the window. It's fun to listen to kids, as they see it, because we are the only ones who aren't using a teddy bear.
As far as getting out to the stores, we have been out occasionally when needed while practicing the recommended protocols. Earlier in the week, I ordered something from Lowes for pickup in the store. I thought it was going to be a curbside pickup, but it was a bit more complicated than that. Luckily, there was no close contact with anyone else and all was good. Also, we ordered a push mower from Home Depot. Ours bit the dust and we can't figure out how to fix it. Ward has disliked it for years, anyway, and wanted to get a new one. The mower just arrived, so I know what we'll be doing when Ward finishes work.
We have plenty of food and I am enjoying trying to use what we have interesting ways. Last week I learned a new kitchen tip that totally fascinated me. After cooking some chicken breasts in the Instant Pot for pulled chicken sandwiches, the recipe said to use a hand mixer to shred it. It worked like a charm and was much easier than other methods I have used. That was fun!
This is long enough for now. Next up, will be an outdoor update.
Be well and stay safe. Until next time...