Sunday, December 20, 2015

Thankful Sunday--December 20, 2015

I am thankful for Christmas fun.

Even though I have been distracted by other things, I've managed to have some fun this Christmas season. And for these fun times, I am thankful.

We have Christmas lights up outside. Nothing fancy, but just enough to put a smile on my face when I come home in the dark (which these days is before 5 PM).

We have our tree up and Wally and Theo were home for the decorating. A win-win situation. These are also lights I enjoy in the evening (and the morning.) We have a lot of dark these days.

Santa visited our street the other night riding on a fire engine. For the past few years, Santa has been too busy to visit this way, so it was a fun surprise to see him again with his firefighter friends. He stopped and talked to all of the kids.

Ward and I went to see the Christmas Carol at the local theater. It was a one man play/reading and it was amazing. After a short while, you forgot that there was only one actor.