I am thankful for MVA workers.
"Have a nice day."
Last week, I had an appointment with the MVA (Motor Vehicle Administration). They had been closed to in-person transactions for a while and now were open only with appointments. I showed up early for my appointment and to my surprise there were 25 people in line waiting to be screened before entering the building. It was at least 100 degrees in the unshaded parking lot where we were lined up and for the half hour I was waiting in line, I watched poor, naive people go to the front of the line thinking that since they had an appointment, they could go right in. Nope. We all had appointments. When I finally made it to the front and after I passed the screening questions, I made it into the building where they took my temperature. I then went to the counter to get a number. There I was told that my wait would be at least an hour and they were right. When it was finally my turn, the transaction was done in less than five minutes and I was good to go.
Then I thought about how hard it must be to work at the MVA--especially on days when you are dealing with people who have been in the heat (while wearing a mask) and have to wait and wait and wait for something that can't be done anywhere else. Every employee I talked to was friendly and competent. They were trying, but they had been put in circumstances where none of their customers were happy. Part of my job is answering calls, listening to problems, and trying to solve them. I could very well imagine what kinds of comments the MVA workers were getting. It's not an easy job they do, especially during these COVID days, and I do not envy them at all. So for the MVA workers and the patience they show in difficult circumstances, I am thankful.