It's been autumn for almost a month, and it is showing itself proudly all around. Here are a few autumnal scenes in my neck of the woods.
After a summer of meager growth, the lantana has finally come into its own - just in time for a frost that it won't survive. It seems to do this every year. |
These mums give a good show every fall. The ones in the back that aren't blooming are ones whose roots got damaged by a burrowing animal of some kind. |
I rescued these mums a few years back, and luckily, they have come back every year. And by rescued, I mean that someone was going to throw them away when they faded, so I took them and planted them. |
A little closer look at the red ones behind the pink ones in the above picture. Also, a rescue plant. |
And here is a plant that I actually pulled out of the trash a few days ago. It has perked up with a bit of water. I will plant this one and hope that it comes back next year. I seem to have more failures than successes with my rescue plants, but it's fun when they live to see another season. |
Also, the trees in the neighborhood are changing colors, and the grass is happily growing with rain and cooler temperatures. Spring and fall are our busiest grass-cutting seasons. |
Ward and I took a hike around a lake today and saw more changing leaves. |
While I don't like the colder temperatures and the shorter days, I do like the beautiful show autumn puts on every year. What does fall look like where you live?