S is for Swamps I have known
or S is for School Days
Well, today was going to be about swamps with an Earth Day theme, but I've run out of time to develop that post properly--meaning I haven't written it and I can't find my pictures to go with it. The earlier parts of my day were spent either at work or the dentist. (Still biting my tongue at this point. Can't wait for the numbness to wear off.) And, I have to leave for my book club meeting in a few minutes. So I've decided to go into the files and revisit something from the past.
Below is a post that I did during the School Days series and this one happens to be about my dad. When I did this interview, he was was in the early to mid stages of Alzheimer's. However, since older memories are often the last to go, everything he told me was right on and I had a very nice time talking with him. I am so happy I did this.
School Days--Earl
School Days is a reoccurring feature in which I ask people about their early memories of school. Everyone has a story to tell about this and I hope to give them a voice here.
Tell me about when you started school.
Here is today's story.
Earl started school in 1932 when he was six years old. His school was in rural West Virginia.

I had just turned six. I started with my older sister. They held her back so we could start school at the same time. We went to a one room school a mile or less from our farm house. I used to run all of the way there and all of the way home.
What was your school like?
It was a one room school with one teacher. It had a gas heater and had no pump for water. We had to carry our water. On the playground there were teeter-totters and the big kids would try to knock the little kids off.
Did you like school?
No, I couldn't wait to get away from there. There were too many restrictions.
Did you get in trouble because you weren't used to so many restrictions?
No, they just ignored me. I didn't do much including applying myself to my studies. I wasn't much interested in what they were teaching although I could hold my own in most areas. My sister applied herself and did well in school. My favorite subject was freedom when school let out.
What did you do for lunch?
We took our lunch. I made my own because my mother was too busy with the rest of my brothers and sisters. We usually had biscuits and sandwich spread. I've had enough sandwich spread to do me for a long time.
Another time, I would like to hear more about your school days.